Tetrad Harris Tweed Bowmore
The Tetrad Harris Tweed Bowmore collection a is a stunning reproduction of a classic Edwardian design. The seat is a fixed wrapover design and fully coil sprung, making it truly comfortable.
Available in any one of the Tweeds and Hides in the Harris Tweed range. There is a choice of Bowmore Grand, Midi, Petit, Compact and matching Bowmore chair. Made exclusively for Tetrad, from pure virgin 100% wool, this range of Harris Tweed furniture is enduringly stylish and has been tested to over 50,000 rubs to ensure it lasts a lifetime.
Naturally soft, the tweed is washed, beaten and pressed to ensure the smoothest possible weave which is warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Brenthams of London usually keep this in stock to view in our dedicated Tetrad London Harris Tweed studio but please check first.

or from £83.25 per month
or from £166.58 per month
or from £162.41 per month
or from £145.75 per month
or from £124.91 per month
or from £66.58 per month